Tuna & Co.

The truth about blast freezing

What is that, and why should I care? Perhaps you’ve come across the term Blast Freezing before and this is what you’ve been wondering. Or maybe you haven’t, and this is your first time seeing it. Well, allow me to peel off that layer of knowledge for you, I promise it will cost you just a minute of your time.

Blast freezing is a cutting-edge technology that has revolutionized the way we preserve and store food. Unlike conventional freezing methods, blast freezing involves rapidly lowering the temperature of food to extremely low levels, often within minutes. This quick freezing process offers numerous benefits, primarily in preserving the quality and freshness of food.

It minimizes ice crystal formation within the food

When food freezes slowly, ice crystals tend to grow larger, leading to cell damage and a decline in overall quality. In contrast, the rapid freezing of blast freezing results in smaller ice crystals, preserving the texture and flavor of the food.

It prevents the growth of bacteria, yeast, and molds

By swiftly lowering the temperature of food, blast freezing creates an inhospitable environment for microorganisms to thrive. This not only enhances the safety of the food but also significantly extends its shelf life compared to conventional freezing methods.

It locks in the nutritional content of the food

The swift freezing of food minimizes the degradation of sensitive nutrients, such as vitamins and enzymes, which are susceptible to deterioration when exposed to prolonged freezing. This means that even after extended periods of refrigeration, the nutritional value of the food remains largely intact, ensuring consumers receive the maximum benefits from their meals.

Blast freezing has become a standard practice for preserving the quality of products during transportation and storage in the food industry. So, whether you’re a professional chef or a home cook, understanding the truth about blast freezing can empower you to make informed choices about the preservation of your favorite foods.

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